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Nehemiah Tilton 

Ebenezer Snow 



Onesimus Futch

Jesse Peters



Benjamin Crittenden

Wentworth Dresser

Edward Porter

Elkanah Young



Thomas Beatty

Levin Handy

Richard Harwood

Edward Lloyd

Hugh McGuire

William Rowles


North Carolina

Henry Adams

Hezekiah Alexander

Jacob Bastian

Frederick Becton

Benjamin Bentley

Jacob Braswell



Ambrose Brewer 

John Durham

Preston Goforth

William Griffin

Alexander Joyce

John Keithley

William Lancaster, Sr.

William Ledford

Henry Lee

Nathaniel Norwood

Charles Polk




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Alexander Boyd

Lewis Burwell

Ellis Cannon

John Cannon

John Carlisle

John Cartwright

John Cary


New Hampshire

William Powell

William Sherrill

William Whitfield, Jr.


John Parsons



New Jersey

Elisha Clayton

Jacobus Quick


New York

Obadiah Chase

Nathaniel Carswell



Benjamin Boone

James Chambers

John Douglas

Henry Geyer

John Graybill

Francis Montfort

Jacob Seltzer

Anthony Shomo

Jacob Troxell

James Wilson


South Carolina

Hardy De Loach, Sr.

Hardy De Loach, Jr.

Andrew Du Bose, Sr.

Andrew Du Bose, Jr.

Aaron Guyton

Malachi Jones



Henry Cheatham

Sampson Clark

John Cobb

Joseph Cole

James Curtis

William Day

David Dietrich

William Douglas

Thomas Ely

Jacob Faulcon

Edmond Fitzgerald

Augustine Garnett

William Graves

Henry Gunnell

Peter Hanger, Sr.

Peter Hanger, Jr.

Thomas Harrison

Samuel Hatton

Peter Helphenstine

Nathaniel Hicks

AnnTyrus Holt

John Holt

John Horsley

Moses Hughes

Dilmus Johnson

Casper Larrick

John Lee

William Lee, Sr

Abner Lester

Matthias Link

William Lipscomb, Sr.

William Lucas


Billy Mallory

John Mallory

Benjamin Martin

William Mcgehee

Joseph Mcmahon

Joel Meader, Sr.

Daniel Moore

Reuben Morgan

Christopher Olinger

Philip Olinger

Richard Omohundro

William Paxton

Stephen Perrow

Peter Polley

Robert Poor

George Purvis

Francis Rainey

Frederick Rainey

John Reed

Zachariah Skaggs

Edward Smith

Love Statham

William Stratton, Sr.

Hezekiah Sumner

John Tankard

John Tayloe

Robert Terrell, Jr.

Olympia Depuy Trabue

Robert Turley

James Urrey

Shadrach Vaughan

Henry Walker

Barthalomew Warren

Augustine Weedon

William Whitfield

Elias Wills


Ebenezer Wilson

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All  photos courtesy of Bermuda Hundred Chapter, NSDAR


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Last updated  3/17/2025

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